In order to protect the water gathered in the steel tanks, our company developed the construction of various special covers, able to meet every need. Depending on the use, the conditions and the type of the tank, our customers can choose one of the following covers.
- Radial cover (askoRADIAL-COVER). Manufactured with joists made of suitably shaped sheets of galvanized steel, which are placed in radial provision and form a conical frame on top of the tank. They are covered with sheets of corrugated galvanized steel sheet. The cover fully protects the water in the tank. They are manufactured by our company since 2004. More...
- Net cover (askoCOVER). Constructed from a special reinforced shading net. It protects the water from various objects and prevents algae growth. They are manufactured by our company since 2002. For steel tanks up to 20m diameter, the net cover consists a standard part of the tank. This kind of roof is not suitable for larger diameter tanks. More...
- Metal cover (askoSTELL-COVER). Manufactured with scissors made of suitably shaped galvanized steel . The cover is covered with corrugated sheets of galvanizes steel. They fully protect the water in the tank. They are manufactured by our company since 2009. More...
- Floating cover (askoULTRA-COVER). Constructed from polypropylene sheet and floats over the water surface . It fully covers the water in the tank and prevents the contamination of the water and the algae creation. They are manufactured by our company since 2006. More...
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Κωδικός: 000001 Η εταιρία askomet Αφοί Ασκοξυλάκη ΑΕ.( www.askomet.com...( more )